Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Lucdx's 20th

Made a DOTA card from scratch!!! Ok not literally but yeah got the black cardbox from Paper Market then the rest were basically just colored/plain papers!!! If your boyfriend is a DOTA fanatic, you know what to do for anniversary gifts/birthday cards :-)


Baked lemon meringue cheesecake with Faith!!!! Swear she's the most humble and cutie baker/classmate EVER I love you Faith I hope you see this thanks for your help :-)))) Rlly hope you'll continue baking because you've such talent don't ever feel insecure!!!! She did most of the cake btw I was just rushing from home to her place and then to work :-(

Last minute banner making few hours before check in time ahah made of just coloured papers then connected them together with wooden twine which I got from Popular. Thank godness for the creation of Canon Selphy printer also because it makes printing last minute pictures so convenient!!!! And basically you get to choose the size of the pictures you want too :-)

Checked in was about 3pm at Llloyd's Inn!!!!

TEL : +65 6737 7309 FAX : +65 6737 7847 EMAIL : MAIL@LLOYDSINN.COM

Nearest MRT is at Somerset! Just needa walk towards OC then head to Killiney Road that direction!!!

We booked the Patio room!! Specially requested for the loft because I thought it could accommodate more people!!


Outdoor bathroom conceptyyyyyyy 

Really loved the place and the room!!! :-)


DISCLAIMER: *crutches are just props they belong to yitai who is legitly injured but lucas is perfectly alright*

Happy birthday babe!!!!!!!!!!! Worth dragging you to catch Tomorrowland while the rest set up and brought food in hehehehe :-)

Second surprise the next day!!! BMT friendssss de :-)

Thank you everyone for making the surprise successful!!!!!!!!! Greatly appreciate :-) Rlly happy to see him happy!!!!!

Spotted some kids playing soccer for SRFC after that before friendly match hahaha damn cuteeeeeeeeee :-') I had to take a picture HAHAHAHA inner pedo oops


Ally's back from UK for a few months!! :-) Stay tuned to our adventure as tourists hehe

Till then x

Monday, 18 May 2015


Sorry I haven't posted in a long while. Been too caught up trying to juggle work and girlfriend duties and much more and Lucdx birthday's this Friday which means stress week is here. Here are some snippets of the month so far but I'll do up a proper post of my impromptu 5D4N Thailand trip together with his birthday plans post. :-) Thank you guys for ever being so patient and lovely to remind me to update once in a way you guys are balls of sunshine x

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