Sunday 24 January 2016


Haven't posted in awhile — no longer feel the urge to blog or maybe I just need to revamp this place a little or switch to a new platform 🤔🤔🤔

Turned 21 in Japan just a week + ago and skipped the conventional 21st birthday celebration/party. Wishing the same as last year and probably will for the rest of my life, that thyroid cancer stays in remission for as long as I'm alive, my loved ones to be happy and healthy and more which... I've said before I blew the candles out.

It's currently the mid of school term and I must say I'm not liking the curriculum one bit sigh just gotta suck it up!!!! Beach is finally over SRC is done and dusted... Prelims & SIM UOL LSE EXAMS bring it on!!!!

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